shy, shy, shy.

It has been established that my feelings for my coworker are mutual. (Hurrrray, dance jump and sing!) After that confirmation was made we both agreed that a “date?” was in our near future. Seems simple enough right? It’s not.

I don’t know why dating has become so… confusing…

Was there really a time when a guy would ask you out, plan the date, and confirm that it was indeed A DATE?

Now a days it seems like the words “We should hang out” have replaced “I want to take you out on a date” as the go to standby of every guy I come across.

I can’t count the number of times a guy has asked me to “hang out” and I, with the assumption that he and I are just friends, go; only to discover as he’s buying my coffee and trying to kiss me that this “hang out” is really a date in disguise! Awkward moment indeed.

Now I am faced with THIS dilemma:

“Sonny” (my coworker) has confirmed that his feelings for me match mine for him. Which clears up some confusion… However, the conversations about a possible “date” have unfolded like this:

Sonny: So… when are we going to hangout?

Me: You tell me.

Sonny: Well, I don’t know. Think of something.

Me: No, you think of something.

Sonny: I don’t know… Think of something.

He uttered those oh so confusing words: LET’S HANGOUT. However, I am going to ignore them and assume that this is a date.

But that isn’t the problem. The problem is this has been going on for a week now and we have yet to pick a time, place, or activity to do on our “date”. (Frustrating? YES very.)

I know he is shy. I know he doesn’t have much experience with girls and dating (I don’t know why because he’s gorgeous!) and to me that isn’t a bad thing! The only problem with it is we’re getting no where because his “shy” demeanor is handicapping his decision-making.

Yes, I could plan a date and tell him when and where to show up, but I don’t want to. I’ve always felt what a guy plans for a date can tell you a lot about him and about how a relationship with him would be.

Example #1: Ken asked me to come over and watch movies at his house I later discovered he LOVES being at home.

Example #2: The firefighter that took me to a lake that was less than a mile from a HUGE brush fire, and asked if I thought it was romantic as ashes were falling down all around us and I was choking from the smoke in the air, I later found was OBSESSED with his job… and that obsession overflowed into other aspects of his life but you get the point.

Example #3: The guy that took me on a hike to a waterfall, playing his guitar the entire way, and seemed like a totally romantic and fun guy. Doesn’t seem bad huh? I thought he was a great catch until we were back at his place watching a movie and his friends burst into his room, started digging through his stuff and jumping all around us, and he said they did it all the time… I later found, when it came to his friends, this guy had no boundaries.

(It’s not rocket science, and I don’t judge a guy on the first date and dump him if it sucks but it seems to give me a good baseline for how things are going to go)

So while Sonny may be shy, I still want him to plan something. (And I know he has something in mind but his nerves are drowning him) I feel like all I can do is encourage him and confirm the fact that I like him, I’m not picky, and I don’t care what we do as long as it’s just me and him and we AREN’T at work.

To Be Continued. Cross your fingers for me!
