Dear “Ken”,

I can’t do this anymore. You inspire me beyond belief but I fear you’re more trouble than you’re worth. That’s horrible to say because you’re an amazing guy but 3.5 years is too long to stick around. I’m accepting that what I had hoped for is never going to happen between us, and maybe we can try just being friends (I think we’d be awesome friends). Just hold the flirting, exclude the half-naked pictures, and please don’t try to kiss me or mention how much you love my boobs anymore… That’ll make the “Friendship” a lil awkward. Sure you can stop by from time to time and we can have our hilariously pointless text convos, but don’t ask me on anymore awkward movie dates. The sad fact is I’ve been head over heels for you for 3.5 years and I’m just now realizing how much you suck at intimacy and commitment (maybe you don’t suck in general but YOU + I [do not] = a cohesive pair). You make me laugh, we have fun, but as far as romance goes things have been a little WHOMP… Whomp… Whaaaaa.

Anyways… Sorry you’ll never read this (because no one knows who I am and stuff) but hopefully my lack of interest in your all talk and no action attempts will help you get the point. Text-Ya-Later.

♥ WendyBirdGypsy

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